
SCOOP Battle of the Countries Leader Board

The Battle of the Countries allows players to earn points for both themselves and their country.

When they play SCOOP events (excluding Phase 1 tournaments), players will score leader board points. Details on how many points players will earn is detailed below.

Players who finish in the top 3 of the leader board will win:

  • 1st place - €10,000 in T€ (plus a trophy)
  • 2nd place - €6,000 in T€
  • 3rd place - €4,000 in T€

In addition, we’ll combine the totals of all players from each country to determine a country winner. SCOOP players from each nation will be able to enter a Freeroll on April 24 at 19:00 WEST. The value of this will be determined by the country’s finishing position:

    • 1st place - €15,000 (T€) Freeroll
    • 2nd place - €10,000 (T€) Freeroll
    • 3rd place - €5,000 (T€) Freeroll

Points Structure

Tournaments will be split into Small, Medium and Large categories, based on their estimated entry (the total guarantee, divide by the buy-in). Here are the categories:

  • Small tournaments will have an estimated entry under 1,000.
  • Medium tournaments will have an estimated entry under 5,000 but over 1,000.
  • Large tournaments will have an estimated entry over 5,000.

In the table below you can see how many leader board points players will get for participating in Small, Medium or Large SCOOP tournaments.

PositionPoints awarded
1 100
2 80
3 70
4 60
5 55
6 50
7 45
8 40
9 35
10 30
11-14 25
15-19 20
20-30 10

Please Note: In the event of a tie for any of the above places, the total amount won will be used as the tie-breaker. These leader board points are not transferrable in anyway, and have no value outside of the SCOOP Battle of the Countries

Terms & Conditions

SCOOP Battle of the Countries Leader Board

  • This offer runs from March 28 at 09:00 WEST-April 19 22:59 WEST.
  • Eligible players can earn individual leader board points for top finishes during SCOOP events. These points also contribute towards an overall country leader board.
  • The top 3 finishers of the leader board will win T€:
    • 1st place - €10,000 and a trophy
    • 2nd place - €6,000
    • 3rd place - €4,000
  • In addition, the top performing countries (by total points won) on the overall leader board can enter a Freeroll that’s open to all players from that country that took part in a SCOOP event.
        • 1st place country - €15,000 (T€) Freeroll on April 24 at 19:00 WEST
        • 2nd place country - €10,000 (T€) Freeroll on April 24 at 19:00 WEST
        • 3rd place country - €5,000 (T€) Freeroll on April 24 at 19:00 WEST
  • Each SCOOP event will be categorized as a Small, Medium or Large based on estimated entry (Total guarantee divided by buy-in).
  • Points will be scored according to which category a tournament is in:
    • Small tournaments will have an estimated entry under 1,000.
    • Medium tournaments will have an estimated entry under 5,000 but over 1,000.
    • Large tournaments will have an estimated entry over 5,000.
  • Every time a player finishes in the top 30 of a SCOOP event, they will get points based on their finishing position. Points awarded are as follows:


Small Medium Large
Position Points awarded Position Points awarded Position Points awarded
1 100 1 150 1 200
2 80 2 120 2 160
3 70 3 105 3 140
4 60 4 90 4 120
5 55 5 80 5 110
6 50 6 75 6 100
7 45 7 70 7 90
8 40 8 60 8 80
9 35 9 50 9 70
10 30 10 45 10 60
11-14 25 11-14 35 11-14 50
15-19 20 15-19 30 15-19 40
20-30 10 20-30 15 20-30 20


  • All events (Small/Medium/Large) will contribute towards the overall SCOOP Battle of the Countries Leader Board.
  • In the event of a tie for the top position of the leader board, the overall amount won in the series will determine the winner.
  • Only players with registered addresses in France, Spain and Portugal on the respective .FR, .ES and .PT license are eligible to participate.
  • Prizes won as part of this promotion will be in the form of T€ and cannot be exchanged for cash or be transferred to other players.
  • Points accrued in the leader board will have no value after the promotion concludes on April 19, 2021.

See here for general promotional Terms & Conditions.